From 20 to 12: A Nyx Face Awards Update!
The Eliminated Eight? Did you guess right? Are your faves in the Top 12? Ok, but who is in the Top 12? I am writing this on July 5, 2014 and this is my third and final attempt to address this phase of the contest. I so did not keep handwritten notes, like I normally do. I tried to be all fancy and just take notes in Word. But didn’t save? Ok Lisa. Get it together woman. Matter of fact, Google Drive will do. So I am going to do my best to recall who’s videos really stood out to me and who should be in the Top 12. Read more inside to find out who made it to the semi final round!
The Top 20 had the challenge of creating something 70’s inspired. So I do remember notating the amount of Disco, Diva inspired looks… I mean almost half, if not more than half.. but definitely 10 people did a disco look. The best disco looks/ videos (my top 3) were Bailey Van Der Veen (the look), MakeupbyAmarie (the video), and Adriana Luna (look and video). Now, there were other great videos and looks, but these ladies really took me back to the 1970’s. Bailey hit the nail on the head, her look was absolutely stunning. I would be shocked if she didn’t make it to the Top 12. Amarie had a great Car Wash inspired video that was AMAZEBALLS! It kind of made me a lil disappointed with some of the other disco, diva looks who did NOT channel a Foxy Brown inspired video and look or a DIana Ross type of deal… The same with Adriana, her video and looks were great and the theme of roller skating then off to the disco was another good take on 70’s lifestyle and culture. It’s these kinds of videos that have themes and entire scenes with acting and shit! That make the videos so much fun to watch!
The remainder of the videos were movie and television inspired or a hippie / flower child kind of look. So battle of the Wonder Woman, and the winner hands down was the Pop Art look by Denean Dale. AlexFaction did an Exorcist inspired look that pretty much shitted on everyones look - FOR REAL. Alex is the shit. I love him, had no idea who he was until this contest, but I am soooo tired of his damn kissy face!!!! Stop it Alex! And Ms. Courtney Little | MUA created three looks inspired from Rocky Picture Horror Show. She embodied three main characters from the film, all beautifully executed. However, straight from the horses mouth, she didn’t make it.
What’s bothering me is that the people do not know who made the Top 12 as of yet, but all 12 have most definitely been contacted with the good news. Alex already posted his Top 12 unboxing video. So there you go.
Who will be the Eliminated Eight? Dare I say!
1. Reagan Gresh
2. FreshBlush
3. FabulousInMaking
4. Briddy Nicole
5. Jaz Jackson
6. GettingPretty
7. Tara Michelle
8. Courtney Little | MUA - only because I already know! But she definitely was not in my original Eliminated Eight prediction with my lost drafts!
Again, this is just my prediction, at the time of me composing this post, the Top 12 have not been announced! So who ever you all are, good luck and we can’t wait to see how you will bring it with the BROADWAY challenge!
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